Naheed Bardai
Principal of UWC Atlantic College
Naheed assumed the role of Head of UWC Atlantic in August 2021. As an educational leader, Naheed believes that education is a deeply moral endeavour, and the exercise of leadership demands a thoughtful ethical foundation: his rests on the pillars of pluralism, integrity, generosity, and trust.
Over his educational career, Naheed has had the privilege of working in two prior schools: most recently as the Head of Upper School at Upper Canada College in Toronto, Canada for six years and at the Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa in Kenya serving as Dean of Students and Principal of the Senior School over a 10-year period.
Naheed holds a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration from the Western University in Canada, a Bachelor Degree in Education from the University of British Columbia in Canada, a Masters of Arts from the Institute of Education, University College London in the UK and a Masters of Educational Leadership from Teachers College, Columbia University in the United States.
Joined in Wales by his partner Edwina and his two children, Rainan and Nabih, Naheed will work with this strong community to build a more just, sustainable and peaceful world.
“When I think about the varying purposes of education and the impact it can have on society, none is more compelling and pressing for me than that of UWC. The move to a more peaceful and sustainable future is to the benefit of all, and we will get there by helping our students harness the world's diversity and caring for those who are most vulnerable. At UWC Atlantic, with its roots in experiential learning, building compassion, selfless service and innovation, we stand the best chance of achieving these noblest of ideals.”